Medical supplies reach Lotumbe

Medical supplies made possible by HUC donors to help fight the Mpox and Measles epidemics arrive in Lotumbe.

Front to back: Dr Bokaa (Lotumbe rural health zone coordinator), Dr Bosolo (CDCC medical coordinator), Dr Lofale (yellow shirt – the hospital chief of staff has recovered from Mpox, per Dr Bokaa) + unknown man. Travelling with them in 2nd canoe were Lotumbe PSP Langange, his wife and several of their kids.

Two motorized canoes arrived in Lotumbe Feb. 11. One of the canoe motors conked out at 11:30 pm (some of us know what the passengers must have felt!). Rural health zone medical director Dr Bokaa has asked if we can provide a new motor for the Lotumbe Rural Health Zone. A proposal will be forthcoming.

Canoes arrive at Lotumbe ‘port’.


Delivery of supplies to hospital


So far AUD $9,488 (USD $6,189) from 27 donors has been received. This is unprecedented for our small but mighty NGO.

Signing off with joy! - Lucy

HandUp Congo