Emergency Medical Appeal

The people of Lotumbe face new critical health challenges – dual Mpox and Measle epidemics

Photo: WHO

Mpox (formerly called Monkey Pox) and Measles epidemics are sweeping through the village of Lotumbe, located more than 300 km from the Equateur Province capital Mbandaka. The rural health zone of 157,000 people is fighting concurrent epidemics, with more than 40 percent of the population affected.

HandUp Congo has been collaborating with Lotumbe on a wide range of initiatives for more than 19 years. Our relationships with this community are deep and meaningful.

Can you help HandUp Congo and our Congolese healthcare partners fight this double whammy health emergency in a logistically challenging community in northwestern Democratic Republic of Congo?

The Lotumbe rural health zone is accessible only by canoe or on forest paths. More than 50 people have already died in Lotumbe, and more than 1200 people have been documented with one or both of diseases. This is due to lack of personal protective equipment, disinfectants and medicines including vaccines. Although vaccines exist for both diseases, none are currently available in Lotumbe.

Doctors in Lotumbe have appealed to HandUp Congo for help treating the growing number of people affected. USD $7,950 (AUD $12,000) is urgently needed. Any amount donated will go a long way in Lotumbe.

Currently there are more than 500 Mpox cases and 700 Measles cases. These numbers only reflect people who went to a health clinic in the rural health zone. It is estimated that scores have not been able to do so, possibly due to lack of money or being too ill to walk.

For the love of humanity, we seek your support.


Your support will go further because every dollar that you donate will be matched by a champion who supports the work of HandUp Congo.
Tax deductibility is available.  Click the DONATE NOW button (above) and designate “EMERGENCY MEDICINE”. 

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at handupcongo@gmail.com

HandUp Congo